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Watch this video and more on Mariska Breland Pilates-ish Fitness

Mariska Ladder 16 - Back & Butt

Fuse Ladder • 32m

Up Next in Fuse Ladder

  • Mariska Ladder 15 - Push Through Bar

    If you have the Fuse Ladder Push through bar - this class uses it the entire time.

    To listen along, find Mariska Fuse Ladder 15 on Spotify under Public Playlists.

  • Rachel Fuse Ladder 3

    Welcome our guest teacher, Rachel Hornstein, to Pilatesish! Rachel is a teacher at Fuse Pilates (Mariska's former studio in Washington, D.C.), as well as a Fuse Ladder teacher and teacher trainer (in training). You can find more of Rachel's classes on Fuse Ladder's subscription site or take class...

  • Mariska Ladder 18 - Rehab: Weight Shifts

    In this workout, Mariska focuses on weight shift training for walking (one of the workouts she does to improve her MS walking issues)