Mariska Ladder 16 - Back & Butt
Fuse Ladder
Mariska is joined by Pilates teacher Rachel Hornstein of Fuse Pilates in Washington D.C. for this class focused on back and butt exercises. We start with one of the Fuse Ladder's most fun warm-ups - jumping with the roll-down bar. Expect lunges, squats and lat work! About 75% of this class can be done on a Pilates Tower, springboard or Cadillac.
Up Next in Fuse Ladder
Mariska Ladder 15 - Push Through Bar
If you have the Fuse Ladder Push through bar - this class uses it the entire time.
To listen along, find Mariska Fuse Ladder 15 on Spotify under Public Playlists.
Rachel Fuse Ladder 3
Welcome our guest teacher, Rachel Hornstein, to Pilatesish! Rachel is a teacher at Fuse Pilates (Mariska's former studio in Washington, D.C.), as well as a Fuse Ladder teacher and teacher trainer (in training). You can find more of Rachel's classes on Fuse Ladder's subscription site or take class...
Mariska Ladder 18 - Rehab: Weight Shifts
In this workout, Mariska focuses on weight shift training for walking (one of the workouts she does to improve her MS walking issues)